Monday, January 19, 2009

Weigh in

There have been bad days and good days since my last post. Mostly bad. Actually I can only recall yesterday being a good day. I don't remember any more. I don't know if I have mentioned this but I had decided to weigh myself everyday for a few reasons. The most important reason is that if I do not do something everyday I am much more likely to forget to do it. So I printed out a chart starting from January 7th all the way to February 6th which I fill out every morning with the numbers my fancy scale shows me. I have only missed one day; yesterday, and only because the morning started a little differently than it usually does. My six-year-old niece got into my bed to wake me up and then cuddled and played I Spy with me for a while. 
As a background story, my sister moved in with me and my parents in November. She is married with two kids so that means 4 extra heads under this not-so-big roof. It was interesting for the first minute since I hadn't lived with her for 12 years, but I quickly got annoyed with the perks of having to share bathroom time with everyone. Not to mention all the other lovely benefits. 

Back to the point of this post. Yesterday was a good day only because I didn't overeat as much as I have been the last few weeks. Oh, and I just came back from working overnight with my parents (I helped them clean a grocery store they usually clean every morning but they needed to wax the floors etc tonight). So I have gotten quite a lot of exercise tonight, YAY ME!

So here are the stats:

Weight: 245.6 pounds
Body fat: 42.6%
Body water: 41.8%
Muscle mass: 65.6 pounds
Bone mass: 8.1 pounds

Change since January 8th morning weigh in:

Weight: -16.8 lb
Body fat: -2.4%

Change since January 17th:
Weight: -15.8 lb
Body fat: -2.6%

Is that even possible?? 
I had to re-weigh myself so many times. I could not believe my eyes!!
Maybe I should clean grocery stores every night. I would reach my goal by next week! LOL
I wish!!

One thing about this morning that confused me was that the scale read two different (yet consistent in each trial) numbers depending on whether it was set to read my body fat or not. It was a difference of almost 3 pounds!! It never does that. I always weigh myself conventionally  first to give myself a chance to write that down, then I step off and set my memorized stats so that it can read all that other stuff. I have never noticed a discrepancy between the two weights until now. I wonder why that is. 

Random fact: my clothes weigh 9 pounds. 

PS. I apologize if I am not making sense. I have been awake for a ridiculously long time. 

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